Motives for parenthood, psychosocial factors and health in women undergoing IVF: A systematic review
Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες
Απόκρυψη λεπτομερειών
Ημερομηνία υποβολής: 2023-12-19
Ημερομηνία τελικής αναθεώρησης: 2024-06-14
Ημερομηνία αποδοχής: 2024-06-27
Ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης: 2024-06-28
Dimitra Chatzopoulou   

University of west Attica
ΕΛΕΥΘΩ 2024;23(2):3
Infertility affects 8-12% of reproductive-age couples globally, leading to significant psychosocial challenges. This review explores the psychological aspects of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment and its impact on mental well-being.

A systematic review of 13 studies was conducted using Google Scholar, Tandfonline, Medrxiv, and PubMed. Inclusion criteria included studies on women aged 18-50 undergoing IVF, focusing on psychosocial and health factors, published in English or Greek.

Women undergoing IVF reported increased anxiety during the second and third trimesters. Psychological interventions, such as hope-oriented group counseling, improved mental health and quality of life. Patient satisfaction with IVF was generally high, influenced by demographic variables and psychological factors. Higher stress levels were linked to lower IVF success rates. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated psychological distress and treatment delays.

Addressing psychological well-being in IVF is crucial. Integrating psychological support, counseling, and stress management interventions can enhance patient experience, improve treatment outcomes, and promote overall mental health. Further research is needed to develop tailored interventions that address the unique needs of individuals undergoing IVF.
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